Year 2, Turn 3
After a long delay, we are finally getting another turn generated! Woo hoo! The debate over colonization policy is still raging, but we have a few turns before we need to really worry about what we're going to do with Archer and Carthage. We're going to save our population points for Carthage, but by the end of the year we should have enough to spend on 1 Census at Archer, too.
Turn Orders: None (well, technically we have had exploration orders every turn, but I am not listing them here because that would get tedious)
Movement Phase: Three scout forces (2-4) rolled +1 modifier results on their exploration rolls. This gives them +6, +3, and +3 modifiers, respectively. Scout Force 2 is almost definitely going to explore a new system next turn, but there is a good chance that the other two will by the end of the year, too. Scout Force 2 and 4 are in Terra Nova, Scout Force 3 is in Archer.
Piracy Phase: Rolled '6', no effect.
Morale Phase: Rolled '5', no effect.
Agriculture Phase: +1 PP.
Construction Phase: The Pandora carrier in Scout Force 1 is now repaired. It can start exploring again next turn.
I forgot all about the Clark-class base that is under construction at Terra Nova. Rolling for the two turns I missed gives us a +2 bonus to this turn's roll. I roll '4', which modifies to '6'. No bonus. About 2-3 turns left of prototyping before we should have this unit ready to go.
Economic Phase: 43 EP (starting) + 36 EP (colony) + 4 EP (commerce) - 0 (purchases) - 3 (maintenance) = 80 EP
Economic Pool: 80
Population Pool: 13
Tech Pool: 16
Intel Pool: 0
Year 2, Turn 4
We have enough economic points to purchase a colony at Carthage, but I am going to hold off doing that until we know what our scouts are going to find. I would hate to spend all of our money on a new colony only to find out that there is an even better system just over the next horizon. I am going to spend some money on tech and intel points, though.
Turn Orders: +10 tech points [-10 EP], +10 intel points [-10 EP]
Movement Phase: Scout Force 2 has succeeded in discovering a new star system. It moved across the northerly unexplored jump lane into the Meridian system. Meridian isn't as good as Carthage, but it isn't that bad:
3 Carrying Capacity, 4 RAW, 4 Orbital, 5 Biosphere, 5 Science, 3 Jump Lanes
The system's biggest fault is its low Carrying Capacity. That makes the system cheaper to colonize, but it also offers minimal long-term development opportunities. It has above-average statistics across the board, though, which still makes it an excellent candidate for colonization.
Piracy Phase: Rolled '8', no effect.
Morale Phase: Rolled '7', no effect.
Agriculture Phase: +1 PP.
Construction Phase: Clark protoype rolls 5, modified to 7. +1 to future rolls (+3 cumulative)
Economic Phase: 80 EP (starting) + 36 EP (colony) + 4 EP (commerce) - 20 (purchases) - 3 (maintenance) = 97 EP
Economic Pool: 97
Population Pool: 14
Tech Pool: 26
Intel Pool: 10
Year 2, Turn 5
The half way point for Year 2. We have the money to colonize Carthage and it looks to be our best short-term candidate, so I am going to pull the trigger and make that purchase for the Republic. Next turn we can put 1 Census on the colony, then the turn after that we can start building up infrastructure (at a maximum rate of 1 per turn). It's slow to develop a colony, but that keeps a player from rapidly turning new colonies into fully-productive worlds overnight.
In addition to the colonization of Carthage, I am going to buy a little bit more tech and intel. Then, next turn, we'll look into improving our Agriculture at Terra Nova to 5.
Turn Orders: Colonize Carthage [-60 EP], +5 tech points [-5 EP], +5 intel points [-5 EP]
Movement Phase: Scout Force 4 has succeeded in exploring one of Terra Nova's three remaining unexplored jump lanes. It emerges in a system... only to detect several obvious drive signatures swarming one of the system's inner planets. The Human Republic has made first contact with a new empire called the Septerran Dominion. First contact protocol was followed to the letter and we were able to establish a basic dialog with the aliens. From what we gather, the Septerrans are a reclusive species that prefers to be left alone, and aren't afraid to use violence to achieve these goals. Luckily their first contact team wasn't itching for a fight, so we don't have to worry about a first contact war. The captain of the Pandora that made first contact recommended not trusting the Septerrans as they have evidently don't have any concept of long-term treaties and probably won't honor the ones we sign with them.
Septerran Dominion
AG 75, IN 12, XE 83
Initial Relationship: 50
Kurash (the Septerran name for the system) is inhabited by the Dominion. This system has the following statistics:
4 Carrying Capacity, 4 RAW, 3 Orbital, 5 Biosphere, 5 Science, 5 Jump Lanes
Septerran Colony (TL 0): 2 Census, 2 Morale, 2 Productivity, 1 Shipyard, 2 Agriculture, 1 Tech, 0 Intel
This is obviously not their homeworld. Our limited dialog with the Septerrans indicate their homeworld is one jump away in a system that is adjacent to Carthage.
Our scouts detected the following units in the system:
1 @ 10 EP Starship (Class Unknown)
1 @ 3 EP Starship (Class Unknown)
1 @ 4 EP Starship (Class Unknown)
1 @ Trade Links (Active)
All of the military units are located in the same squadron. This indicates that the largest unit is probably acting as a command ship for the group.
That's the intelligence report. The diplomatic affairs officer would like to pass on to the esteemed members of the Senate that based on her information the Septerrans are emphatically opposed to furthering relations with the Republic. With their Xenophobia and the current Relationship, they won't even sign a border treaty (50 - 83 + 25 [treaty mod] = -8). They might sign an armistice with us, if we were to go to war. That's sure comforting, isn't it? The Septerran's current hostilities chance is 75 - (50 x 2) = -25, so they currently have no interest in declaring war on us, either. That will change if our relationship dips below 38.
Piracy Phase: Rolled '6', no effect.
Morale Phase: Rolled '6', no effect.
Agriculture Phase: +1 PP.
Construction Phase: Clark protoype rolls '9', modified to 12. The prototype is complete. It can now start actual construction and work towards completion. Not a moment too soon!
The colony in Carthage has been established. It starts with 0 Census and 3 Morale.
Economic Phase: 97 EP (starting) + 36 EP (colony) + 4 EP (commerce) - 70 (purchases) - 3 (maintenance) = 64 EP
Economic Pool: 64
Population Pool: 15
Tech Pool: 31
Intel Pool: 15