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Minis for sale!

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:26 pm
by Charles Lewis
We've had a couple of unexpected bills pop up and I'm trying to raise some quick cash so we can avoid living off the credit cards for a couple weeks until payday. As such, I've decided that my large collection of Silent Death minis (and other but related stuff) needs to go - not least because there's a lot of them, but also, they haven't seen action in over 10 years.

OK, here's the rough and dirty count

One stand minis (fighters, gunboats)
144 painted
157 unpainted

Two stand minis (warhounds)
5 painted
12 unpainted

For those not familiar with Silent Death minis, the fighters are comparable in size/scale to B5 Wars/ACTA standard scale. The warhounds are very similar in size to B5W/ACTA capital ships. The gunboats would serve well as frigates and corvettes in a more conventional setting.

Other stuff that would work:

37 B5 fighters of various races plus a Centauri and Narn ship or two (B5W/ACTA size)

bunches of SW/ST micromachines that would work as gunboats and warhounds

Other (manufacturer unknown) minis
7 painted one stands
19 unpainted one stands

It's a lot of stuff, I know - I was *really* into SD for a while. I'm hoping to get $350 (including shipping costs anywhere in the world). If you're interested PM or email me.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:17 pm
by Charles Lewis
OK, the immediate crisis has passed, but I'd still like to find a new home for these guys where they might actually get some use!

To that end, I'm lowering the price to $300, shipping included (anywhere in the world).

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:22 am
by Charles Lewis
OK, no nibbles, so time for something different. I'm taking a trip this weekend. Let's see if I can raise some gas and food money. From the time of this post until Friday Midnight, Central Time (GMT -6 for all you non-Americans) I'm offering grab bags of minis. $10 gets you twelve stands of starships - with fighters coming in pairs wherever possible. Flat rate shipping of $5 per order (which could any number of grab bags) anywhere in the world.

Payment has to be received via my PayPal account by the deadline to count.

All orders will be shipped on Monday, July 13.

Please contact me off list - my contact info is in my profile.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:52 pm
by Chyll
You are getting tempting now...

but I already have more starships than I can pay my maintenance on as is. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:38 pm
by Charles Lewis
Need some superheroes instead? I recently culled my Heroclix down to one of each pose, as I'm not likely to actually play Heroclix when I can instead play SuperSystem. I have a plastic bag chock full of what has now been determined to be surplus to my needs. ;)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:00 am
by Charles Lewis
Deadline passed and no takers. I guess y'all have enough ships already. ;)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:49 am
by Gareth_Perkins
Love to take you up on this and help you out, but we're economising (both in space and money),


Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:16 pm
by Charles Lewis
The Warhounds have found a new home. :)