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Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:48 pm
by Shadow Warrior
Excellent news, Tyrel. I think that's the correct approach. If FA happens, it happens. In the meantime, we get something better with VBAM 2e and VBAM Local Campaign Rules.

Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:59 pm
by mwaschak
Yeah, sorry guys. I have no idea what to even say at this point.


Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:46 pm
by darbycmcd
Is there anything the community can do to help get a settingless version of the game out? I personally would love to use it for F&E, which I think is showing its age. But of course you would have to strip out anything overtly Trekish, but perhaps there is still something good there? It seems like 2E playtest is moving sluggishly, maybe this could get some love?

Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:06 pm
by mwaschak
darbycmcd wrote:Is there anything the community can do to help get a settingless version of the game out? I personally would love to use it for F&E, which I think is showing its age. But of course you would have to strip out anything overtly Trekish, but perhaps there is still something good there? It seems like 2E playtest is moving sluggishly, maybe this could get some love?
The real issue with gutting FA is that the objective system and all the missions rely so heavily on Federation Commander. I began writing one for 2e, which relies on VBAM mechanics now that we have a nearly final version of 2e to work with. I have been told FA is still on their work list, but I did submit my original draft in 2008.


Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:52 pm
by darbycmcd
Does that mean you will have to wait for 2E to be released in a final version? Because playtest and development seem to be moving at a rather uneven pace on that game. Sort of a pity if it holds up other products. Maybe go with what you have at this point and patch it later if necessary? Waiting for 2E might be a bit like waiting for Steve Cole.....

Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:41 pm
by mwaschak
darbycmcd wrote:Does that mean you will have to wait for 2E to be released in a final version? Because playtest and development seem to be moving at a rather uneven pace on that game. Sort of a pity if it holds up other products. Maybe go with what you have at this point and patch it later if necessary? Waiting for 2E might be a bit like waiting for Steve Cole.....
Nah, FA won't wait on 2e. That is entirely in ADB's hands.


Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:37 pm
by darbycmcd
I meant the more generic version with the ADB stuff stripped out. You mentioned you were writing one for 2E VBAM, but since work on that seems rather... quiet of late (and I think is going on 4 years or so...), I was wondering if you had enough to put something out. Maybe it wouldn't make much sense without the context of 2E anyway, I don't know. Maybe a beta test version? It just seems a bit of a pity that you put quite a bit of work on it, and it is a product that some people would actually give you money for, and it is sort of hostage of outside factors no matter which system we are talking about.

Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:28 pm
by mwaschak
I saw on their page that "all wrong, not universe compliant". I had to reply: ... 2260#62260

Sorry, that is never a good thing since this usually leads to a massive reply that there is no point in answering. At what point do we just save face, cut our losses, and go?


Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:13 am
by darbycmcd
Oh God Jay, don't even bother. Steve Cole is egotistical beyond comprehension and probably is diagnosable with a personality disorder of some sort (my guess would be Aspergers....). His company website has, in FAQ, a explaination about him being mean to people! He was very smart and made a company based on a very popular franchise, and has been able to chase away all but the most egregious lickspittles on his forums. Sorry, that is just the way I see it. Dump the project, screw it. It is never going to see the light of day with those guys. Release the book, there will be fan made material to use with the SFU.

Also, on majestic 12 there is some thinking about a new setting. Are you guys still working with him? It seems like that was a good symbiotic relationship in the past but now is a bit distant.....

Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:48 pm
by mwaschak
darbycmcd wrote: Also, on majestic 12 there is some thinking about a new setting. Are you guys still working with him? It seems like that was a good symbiotic relationship in the past but now is a bit distant.....
Not really. There have been a few emails here and there but no solid communication thread to speak of. Based on what I read over at their forums they have their own campaign system in the works these days. Do you guys like Nova? Was it worth exploring that option?


Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:18 pm
by darbycmcd
Nova is good. Sometimes I feel like starmada has a bit of an identity crisis, the game play feels sort of squardron level especially with Nova somewhat abstracting weapon systems into one bucket-o-dice, it has very fast gameplay with ships getting waxed in just a couple turns, etc.... but the design system seems to be the centerpiece of the game and it is definately individual ship focus. so it falls somewhere between squadron strike and like starfire maybe. I like it but sometimes it doesn't quite scratch whatever itch i have. But it is funny that you are thinking about tactical games, and he is thinking about strategic games.... and you have worked together before....

Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:22 pm
by mwaschak
Dan and I are talking it over. So that is good.

Unfortunately guys, I can't go anything over at the forum. He can sit there and run us down in general with all manner of slander and revisionist history. I hope that you will recognize we tried, we worked hard, and while I could refute IMHO most of what was said, there is no point to do so.

I will also not publicly slander another company or author, especially one we have a business partnership with. This hobby is small enough that we need each other and don't benefit from such things, but also because it is not appropriate to do so.


Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:01 pm
by Emiricol
I'm in shock. Just shock. Cut your losses and get on with your life. I don't want to say anything bad about them, but they sure didn't have any problem saying nasty things about you.

Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:55 pm
by mwaschak
We got three more pages done over the weekend; almost to the appendices!

Re: Federation Admiral Public Update

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 10:51 pm
by zyffyr
Currently listed as "Summer 2014". Not holding my breath though.