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Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:31 pm
by nimrodd
Emiricol wrote:
nimrodd wrote:Instead of halving the number of Hull Boxes in Starmada, I would double the number of Hull hits on the Damage Chart. This way there is no confusion about how big the ship is (i.e. is it a hull 5 or hull 3?). Instead of a hull hit on a 1,3 or 5, you will take a hull hit no matter what is rolled.
Interesting, thanks for the idea
Here is the post on the MJ12 Forums about calculating the cost for this. ... 8925884669
It is the 6th post from the bottom of the page by Cricket.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:14 pm
by Emiricol
Thanks for that, it helps with the SX part of VBSX :)

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:24 pm
by mriddle
Iron Knight wrote:
mriddle wrote:What about short ranged weapons fire last..
change the combat sequence..
ships with Long Range fire and resolve
Ships with out Long or Short fire and resolve
ships with Short Range fire and resolve
Very cool, I think I will test this a bit, but I think this would make a great addition to the game. ++good. Mind if I put this in my next game?
Sure but we will have to discuss royalties first :wink:

<That was a joke, hope it works>

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:39 am
by jygro
Emiricol wrote:
Thanks Tyrel, for the ideas. Here's what I added to the next version of the campaign guide:
Does this mean that I am going to have to buy another VBAM book for solo and online play... *sigh*

Seriously though, keep the rules coming! I really like the ideas that have been coming from the group lately...

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:06 am
by Emiricol
hehe, no not THE Campaign Guide, but my campaign diary. Tis free, and worth every penny.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:49 pm
by japridemor
nimrodd wrote:Instead of halving the number of Hull Boxes in Starmada, I would double the number of Hull hits on the Damage Chart. This way there is no confusion about how big the ship is (i.e. is it a hull 5 or hull 3?). Instead of a hull hit on a 1,3 or 5, you will take a hull hit no matter what is rolled.
This will work well. And there is already a way to factor this into the Starmada ComRat calculation. In the basic DRat calculation, instead of multiplying the Hull by 2, multiply by 1 instead. This will reflect the fact that every hit will destroy a hull instead of every other hit.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:43 pm
by wminsing
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about the Star Law trait that you had added. I really like that one - it'll give Will something to do with all of those police units in SFB for his conversion.
Yep, I had spotted this in the TLADIS campaign diary (well, the Police trait, which is similar) and they are perfect for the Fed POL, et all. Gives them something to do rather then be smaller, crappier frigates.
Armored: I think Garland was the one that came up with this; Armored acts like Shields, except that it applies AFTER a ship is crippled.
As an aside, I love the armored trait. It's perfect for settings were some ships are just plain tough, without giving them really high DV values (which might represent a combination of factors). For example, in that Spelljammer inspired setting I posted about on the Yahoo group, I've been doing some fleet lists for the various races. The Elves tend to have high DV ships, representing a combination of good construction and maneuvering ability (they also have the Contemplative trait). The Dwarves also needed vessels that were survivable, but since I didn't want to just give them more high-DV ships the armored trait was the perfect fit. I tend to make the armored trait 'cost' half of Shields, so that Armored(2) is considered roughly as a good as Shields(1) in the grand scheme of things.


Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:25 pm
by Bandit
Tyrel Lohr wrote:Getting back on topic, another new trait I have been playing around with is Weak Hulled (there has to be a better name for this one). Units with this trait do not cripple; they are simply destroyed when they take their DV in damage. In return, the ships are comparatively cheaper to build/maintain.
In the Tech Book draft, this ability is currently called "Frail Structure" but could easily be changed to "Poor Structural Interigerty" since that is what it is.