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Questions Comments and Observations on the Promo Files

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:05 pm
by BLHarrison
9.4.2 Integrity: The Reaction Modifier example text does not match the chart. At an IN of 91 the break Reaction should be +90 not +45. As a matter of fact none of the Break modifiers shown end with the number 5. War: The passage reads “Empires are considered to be in a state of War whenever one or both parties in a diplomatic relationship have an active Hostilities, War, or Total Declaration declared against the other.” I believe that “War” should be inserted between “Total” and “Declaration”

(From the Intelligence file) X.4 Intel Range: As there is no example given I must ask, “Is the range affected by the jump lane costs?” i.e. a system with 1 Intel has a major, normal and a restricted jump lane attached to it. Can it only reach the system at the other end of its major lane? Or can it reach all of them? If the former then I can then assume that once the Intel value is raised to 4 all systems in the example can be reached?

(From 11.0 Technology)
In the listing of technologies "Electronic Support (Electronics)" has the following statement:

"Each point of EWS Rating provides a +1 attack bonus (Anti-Air, Anti-Fighter, Anti-Ground, Anti-Sea, or Anti-Ship) to the unit’s Squadron or Strikegroup."

Could a strikegroup or squadron add to an attack factor that it has at 0? Example strikegroup has several AS armed only units plus a unit armed only with Electronic Support equipment. Could the ES craft add it's whole value to create an AF factor for the strikegroup? Or does it have to have "something to work with".

11.6.3 Blueprints ... "invasion of an enemy colony (see X.X whatever),"

:0, Getting a little tired when you wrote this? :)

On a more game related subject, could you give/sell blueprints to any power? For example you have an Empire that beleives in "Uplift" so any pre-industrial planet they contact gets a set of Science 2 blueprints. If I'm reading this right the pre-ind now only has to spend 50 tech points (9 years at a 6 census world) instead of 17 years for a world not getting "Uplift". Granted, eaither represents a lot of game turns, but still....

(From 12.0 Campaign Units)
13.1.6 Construction Cost and 12.5 Civilian Fleets contradict each other. 13.1.6 says that Civilian Fleets cost 5 ep each while 12.5 uses 1 ep for the cost

X.5.2 Shipyards: In the example given, could you be building up to 5 size 5 starships? Or are you limited to a maximum of 5 starship, total size equaling 5?

12.2.2 Aircraft and 12.2.3 Seacraft: both state that Aircraft/Seacraft can only be purchased at Planetary shipyards, yet I've found no mention of such an facility. Is this an artifact from an earlier version?

(14.0 Trade and Piracy)
You used the term "pseudo-empire" to describe a new pirate group. May I suggest that term be used instead of "Underground Empire" or as a way of differentiate between legitimate and criminal groups?

Also may I suggest "Clout" be used to replace the V1 version of "Influence"?