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The Limitless Sky

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:30 am
by murtalianconfederacy
Solo VBAM Exploration Campaign
The Hyperspace Collapse, which has puzzled many scientists over the last hundred years, seems finally to be resolving itself. The apparently random breaks of hyperspace lanes, which some hyperspace scientists theorise may have left some systems alone while keeping some systems in groups of up to ten or more, seem to be healing. But it appears that they are not healing in the same way, and it might be the reason why massive and advanced empires are not as frequent as they should be.

The United Star Kingdom has, it appears, been quite lucky. Prior to the Hyperspace Collapse, the three colonies of New Avalon, New Edinburgh and New London were chosen to be the hubs for colonial expansion in the region and the USK, formed shortly after the Collapse, has expanded to six systems--one, New Guernsey, that was discovered by early hyperspace exploration five years prior to the current date.

Now, at the eve of the new millenium, the USK seems ready to take the first tentative steps out into the universe to discover who else--if anyone--has survived
The elections of the year 3000 indicated that the Central Democrats would maintain power with the Social Democrats also with pretty strong support. The fringe Imperial Party, though, hearkening back to a glory age of the British Empire, is the third largest party although significant losses would have to be inflicted on both Democrat parties before they might take office. The rest of Parliament is populated by a few separatist parties, who hold seats in New Guernsey, New Avalon and--most worryingly, in New Exeter, who have a full third of the councils in the system.

Meanwhile, the Royal Navy has a very potent fleet, centred around the eight Nelson-class DN and six Hermes CVL, and containing twenty Cornwall CA. A healthy defence squadron of three Apollo CL orbits every planet and, unknown to raiders, a trio of Q-Ships supports each civilian fleet formation.

Less comforting to some flag officers is the two Triumphant strike cruisers. Both are cloak cruisers also operating scout abilities, and seem to be purely for offensive operations. Attempts to diffuse the dissenting voices in the Admiralty have so far not worked.

However, the three Habbakuk repair tenders and six Beagle exploration cruisers are less controversial, and the two three-cruiser exploration squadrons both succeeded in finding new systems.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:54 pm
by MarkG88
Nice start, I'm an anglophile so I love the United Star Kingdom's makeup. :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:32 am
by jygro
Awesome work. Always love to read your campaign reports!


Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:17 am
by murtalianconfederacy
Exploration Fleet 5.1 discovered an outpost whose only worthwhile statistic is a high RAW of 3. But it has no jump lanes, and the Admiralty is slightly disappointed at the news.

Exploration Fleet 5.2, however, activated an INT-1 level splinter colony, the Welsh Free Alliance. The WFA controls two systems--the contact system and a smaller colony one jump away. Relations are very good and results in the formation of a third party in the New Welsh Assembly, supporting closer ties with the USK. This party instantly receives a number of fringe members from both established parties. A fourth party, formed to oppose anything stronger than a Peace Treaty with the USK, was also formed but failed to garner any support in the Assembly.


The two exploration fleets return to their contact systems, and immediately the tachyon communications net between New Avalon and New Cymru spark into life. Both sides succeed in offering treaties. A non-aggression pact, a trade treaty and a peace treaty are signed in quick order.


The exploration fleets are extremely adept at finding new links between systems. 5.2's accomplishment is linking into New London from New Birmingham, a good find as it means should New Exeter go into secession, New Birmingham is linked to New Avalon. 5.1, however, gains the limelight this time when they discover an IND-3 power, the European Star Union. It appears the ESU was less fortunate than the USK, as all of their jump lanes were severed and without any chance to travel FTL they lost their hyperdrives. Only two years ago were they finally able to start progress on new hyperdrives.

The ESU and USK get off to a fairly good start, however, both rolling high for their relationship. All three ESU parties are fairly open to the USK, mainly being divided about how they should run their Confederacy government.

3000.04 (still being generated)

5.1 returns back to New Exeter when news of 5.2's latest exploration attempts reach New Avalon. Apparently, two new powers--and alien, at that--have been encountered!

(Have yet to fully generate the two powers yet, but both are in an alliance, and as the contact system is one jump away from both homeworlds I thought that representatives from both races would meet the USK explorers. However, I have yet to resolve the diplomatic situation with both powers and the USK yet, so it may be the three Beagles are hopelessly outclassed by a major battlefleet)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:05 pm
by Tyrel Lohr
Yay! Campaign reports!

What is the NPE activation chance in your campaign? It always seems like you end up running into a lot of foreign powers pretty early on. I have had that happen in a few of my campaigns, though typically I don't end up running into anyone unless I force the issue in solo campaigns :( The one exception seems to be if I have more than one starting empire... then I end up just tripping over new empires to generate!


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:24 am
by murtalianconfederacy
The activation rules I've been using since Rise of the Star Kingdom. Standard but with a -5% when the system is two jumps from a homeworld and -10% when its only one jump away. All systems have at least a 1% chance, though (so an outpost one jump away from Sol, for example, could still harbour a IND-2 power)

5.2 is operating from New Birmingham, two jumps away, so the contact system was three jumps away--and it was a colony, so a 15% chance of activation. Rolled for the first power, and they'd discovered two other systems--both major colonies. One rolled a '9' for NPE activation, and the power had also explored the contact system. Both powers have a Major Colony and Colony colonised. Both powers together are the slight superior of the USK, I believe.

Still generating the empires. Got a Nintendo DS Lite on Saturday and its bloody addictive--ended up playing for around four hours straight yesterday...

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:27 am
by murtalianconfederacy
3000.04 (continued)

5.1 makes contact with the Falgnooran Concordat and the Balasian Technocracy. The contact system is a Falgnooran colony named Lekorask, but has several Balasian traders and an ambassador in the system.

Both sides were fairly amicable and the Falgnoorans consented to a communications buoy being set up.

From the point of view of the Falgnoorans and Balasians, it is great to meet a power that isn't hostile, but the fact that the USK jumped into a system with no external jump lanes is worrying.

(CM Notes: the USK are certainly generating a few powers, and especially along the southern border. Of course, since both exploration squadrons are in the 'south' of the USK territories this isn't surprising...

The main problem is, however, the fact that of the six systems under the USK control, three now link to new powers. The WFA is friendly enough, and the ESU won't be making any trouble yet--at least, not until they achieve INT-1 and then refit their fleet to hyper-capable and suffer massive relationship losses or negative critical relationship shifts--but the FC and BT are two large powers which have the strength to be a thorn in the USK's side, should they also experience negative relationship shifts)

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:29 am
by murtalianconfederacy

All three major powers succeed with their exploration rolls:


5.1, operating out of New Exeter, discovers the South West Alliance, a pair of INT-1 splinter colonies that unified--the Cornish Alliance and the New Wessex Alliance. The colonies are not the largest, but they do have a respectable defence fleet. Both sides roll high on their relationship.


The Balasians discovered an outpost system that is quite useful in that it has a very high RAW of 4. Otherwise, it isn't extremely attractive, only possessing one jump lane. It might be colonised if no better systems are found


The Falgnoorans discover an IND-3 splinter colony, the Olorask Defence Union. The Falgnoorans are happy to discover more of their kind, but the Olorask are less happy, and their hostilities chance is only -30. Two bad relationship rolls could tip them into positive hostilities checks.

In diplomatic news, the USK is approached by the ESU and BT offering a NAP. The USK happily accepts the treaty offers.


The USK again makes a successful exploration attempt, this time a minor colony with a very attractive RAW of 6! As soon as funds are available, it seems this will be colonised.

The SWA also makes a successful exploration attempt, their four hyperspace probes making it into New Avalon. The second group, however, almost got destroyed by a freak swarm of comets while they were very close to the system's Kuiper Belt.

The WFA offers the USK a mutual defence treaty, which is accepted. It seems very good for both parties.

The USK decides to offer the FC a NAP which the FC accepts.

The FC offers the ODU a NAP, but the ODU refuses. The Falgnooran diplomat, when visiting the system, was asked to participate in a ritual which was very important to the Olorask, and in participating he made a cardinal error. The relationship dropped by 10 points as a result.


The lucky exploration forces succeed again. Pretty soon they'll be asking for promotions!

The SWA experiences a massive relationship swing--for the better--towards the USK. Treaties up to a peace treaty are signed.

Meanwhile, the ODU meets and secretly declares hostilities against the FC

(CM Notes: This was because of a Crossroads. Technically speaking, they still have a -10% chance of rolling for hostilities. As their IN is only 36, they were easily able to keep the declarationa secret. Not sure how they're going to prosecute a war though...)

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:42 pm
by mwaschak
Thank you for the update! It is an enjoyable read.


Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:25 am
by murtalianconfederacy

The USK activates an INT-1 power, the Bolgurlian Concordat. Relations are instantly hostile, and the three Beagles just make it out of the system before they are engaged.

The SWA activates an IND-2 power, the Kor-Asir Concord. The four hyperspace probes enter orbit and are instantly destroyed by fixed defences and orbital ships.

The FC succeeds in its exploration attempt and its an extremely attractive find--a colony with a RAW of 8! Its also only two jumps from the homeworld so it is within one month of travel time for most warships.


The USK activates its reserves, six Hermes-class light fleet carriers. The Admiralty also sends its Triumphant cloak cruisers to the system the Beagles were operating from. The plan is to try and sneak them past the Bolgurlian fleet to strike at the defences in the contact system. If it works, they could cut off supply to the forward fleet.

The Bolgurlians activate their reserve as well.

The SWA activates its two Alfred the Great battlecruisers. Plans are to construct two more and then to make the jump into the KAC system and take out the defences.

The WFA succeeds in attempting a declaration of hostilities on the BC. They also succeed on the declaration attempt. Their fleet is not very powerful but, should the BC break through the USK main fleet, they will be only two jumps away from New Cymru.

The USK activates a splinter colony, the New Maltese Alliance. The NMA is a very small colony and only generates 1EP a turn, which is used to maintain their trio of raider Barque frigates. If the NMA were to go to war, they would get 3EP a turn.

The BT activates an IND-3 power, the Pilundan League. It is comparable to the ESU in technology prowess, but has expended most of its resources into fighter technology.

(turn still being generated--have yet to roll for declaration attempts or First Contact, and haven't generated what the PL has)

(CM Note: I was aiming to give the NMA a fighter-centric defence, but I decided that, due to their very poor economy, they wouldn't faff around developing their own defence when they could buy the plans for a tested design and use that. The Barque is a small craft but has decent AS and has a chance of hitting fighters. And they fit into a single squadron)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:50 pm
by MarkG88
Fun game commentary, helps scratch my "scifi fiction" itch I've had lately too.


Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:05 pm
by Chyll
Tyrel Lohr wrote: What is the NPE activation chance in your campaign? It always seems like you end up running into a lot of foreign powers pretty early on.
And that trend continues.
Crowded section of space this.

Its'a gonna get messy, me thinks. :twisted:

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:21 am
by jygro
I agree, I always seem to have an utter lack of NPEs show up. Perhaps, at a certain distance away from my homeworld, it starts giving a positive chance or something...


Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:22 am
by murtalianconfederacy
It is getting slightly messy, yes--four interstellar powers, two interstellar splinters, two IND-3 powers, two IND-3 splinters and an IND-2 power. Eleven powers in total. I must admit that my new order sheet is working wonders--at this stage, I'd be taking up a page just for recording income.

One thing that you could do is to use a type of Fibonacci (sp?) sequence to increase or decrease the odds of NPE activation. Lets say three systems out is +/-0% modifier, then two systems out is a -5% and one system out is -10%. But four systems out gives a +5% modifier, five systems a +10%, six systems a +15% and so on. Of course, once you get to the ninth system out (+65%) its all but guaranteed, and ten systems out (+105%) it is guaranteed, but if you've gone that far without activating a new power you need a surefire guarantee of a new power.


3000.09 (still generating)

The Pilundan League is cautious but friendly to the BT, and Normal Relations are established.

The Mew Maltese Alliance is not too thrilled about meeting its much bigger brother, but the USK explorers, for once, don't seem to notice as they are quite friendly (the NMA actually has a +2% chance for initiating hostilities, which would be a Bad Thing to do for them--three Barques against even a small offensive force--maybe of two Triumphants--would be a very quick and bloody battle)

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:25 pm
by wminsing
One thing that you could do is to use a type of Fibonacci (sp?) sequence to increase or decrease the odds of NPE activation. Lets say three systems out is +/-0% modifier, then two systems out is a -5% and one system out is -10%. But four systems out gives a +5% modifier, five systems a +10%, six systems a +15% and so on. Of course, once you get to the ninth system out (+65%) its all but guaranteed, and ten systems out (+105%) it is guaranteed, but if you've gone that far without activating a new power you need a surefire guarantee of a new power.
That's a good idea. In my solo campaigns (will post a report one of these days) I also give a +10% to all activation rolls after any alien ruins are discovered (seems to happen a lot in my games, for some reason).
