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The Second Solar War
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:40 pm
by mwaschak
Hi guys,
I am going to keep an active blog here of the active war going on in the FT playtest. We are playing a portion of the Second Solar War. As you fans may recall, the Second Solar War was sparked when tensions jumped between the Romanovs and the Eurasian Solar Union. Things escalate, as they tend to do.
Solar News Network
In anticipation of armed conflict the UN has moved more forces to their systems along the frontier. UN Panama and UN Erie have been bolstered in particular to protect trade and any refugees fleeing the conflict zone. The PAU has announced it support of the ESU after the NAC war declaration.
Second Solar War; Month 1
Solar News Services has received word that the NAC is on the move. Shortly after the formal declaration of war it seems the NAC was able to launch a massive strike against Lancelot. News is still scattered at this time, but the NAC obviously seemed poised to recover their lost system. We await news of these battles but it seems clear the NAC was awaiting any chance to strike the ESU before they could fully mobilize.
Our eye witness accounts at Lancelot, before the communication signals were scrambled, seemed to show the famous NAC Battle Group Beta on approach to the main colonies. Many will recall the NAC lost Lancelot in the early days of the First Solar War, severing a main exploration artery used by the NAC .
The UN reports a Romanov Oberon class battleship and its escorts were turned back at Dnietr today. Rumors abound that the royal family may be trying to flee. We have yet to learn if they will challenge the UN Neutrality Act, where the UN will not allow itself to be used as a staging area for armed conflicts.
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:31 pm
by WunderBullub
The unprovoked and naked acts of aggression perpetrated on us by the Eurasian Solar Union leave us no choice but to take every measure possible to defend ourselves.
The absurd territorial concessions demanded of us by the Eurasian Solar Union leading up to their sudden declaration of war make it now apparent that a major invasion of Romanov territory was always their intent.
The restrained nature of the surprise attacks launched by Eurasian ground forces against us across our shared borders on Earth and on the inner colonies lead us to conclude that a major assault to take our outer colonies is imminent.
While we acknowledge and support the mandate of the United Nations Space Command to safeguard and forbid space combat in the core systems and inner colonies, we reject the interpretation that this mandate extends to the exclusion of legitimately flagged national ships not engaged in hostile action from navigating across neutral systems.
Article 87 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Stars guarantees the freedom of navigation and overflight of systems for all states and we fully intend to exercise this right.
Our forces have been ordered to engage in no hostile actions while in UN patrolled systems but we maintain our right to the peaceful transit of our ships through these systems.
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:24 am
by morg1710
Citizens of the Eurasian Solar Union:
The Government, have authorized me to make the following statement:
Today, without any claims having been presented to the Eurasian Solar Union, without a declaration of war, New Anglian Confederation ships attacked our territory, attacked our interests at many points and bombed from their ships our cities, killing and wounding many persons.
This unheard of attack upon our territory is perfidy unparalleled in the history of civilized worlds. The attack on our territory was perpetrated despite the fact that United Nations' treaties prohibiting aggressive actions signed by the New Anglian Confederation. The Government most faithfully abided by all provisions of this treaty with respect to the New Anglian Confederation. Entire responsibility for this predatory attack upon the Eurasian Solar Union falls fully and completely upon the monarchist. This war has been forced upon us, not by the NAC people, not by NAC workers, peasants and intellectuals, whose sufferings we well understand, but by the clique of bloodthirsty rulers of NAC who have enslaved other peoples.
The government of the Eurasian Solar Union expresses its unshakable confidence that our valiant army and brave falcons of the navy will acquit themselves with honor in performing their duty to the fatherland and to the Unionist people, and will inflict a crushing blow upon the aggressor. Our whole people will again wage victorious war for the fatherland, for the Union, for honor, for liberty.
The government of the Eurasian Solar Union expresses the firm conviction that the whole population of our Union, all workers, peasants and intellectuals, men and women, will conscientiously perform their duties and do their work. Our entire people must now stand solid and united as never before. Each one of us must demand of himself and of others discipline, organization and self-denial worthy of real Unionist patriots to insure victory over the enemy.
The government calls upon you, citizens of the Eurasian Solar Union, to rally still more closely around our party. Ours is a righteous cause. The enemy shall be defeated. Victory will be ours.
Pyotr Molotov
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:01 pm
by mwaschak
Solar News Network
Giauzar Seized in Daring Strike!
Word has reached the Solar News Network that a massive NAC force has seized Giauzar from the ESU. Early reports show that citizens put up a limited fight, but that key targets were taken swiftly by elite front units from the NAC ground corps. Why such important units would be wasted on a backwater system puzzles many in the UN and galactic community.
Disaster in Ilychograd
Romanov ships were spotted moving in to ESU territory this morning. ESU ships were quick to the scene and caught the pickets before they could make their escape. After a brief exchange the Romanov ships, a Tambov and a Zephyr, were destroyed by large capital ships. Footage from the battle has not been found.
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:38 pm
by mwaschak
Solar News Network
Romanov battle group push through UN blockade!
The UN released a statement earlier today that a large Romanov battle group challenged a UN blockade on its way to Dnietr.
The UN warships Exeter and Concordia fire several warning shots, but ultimately did not engage the Romanovs in a meaningful way. The UN has threatened deadly force in the even of further violations and is rumored to be moving a task force to secure free and neutral trade near the war zone.
(Turn 1 is almost done everyone!)
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:21 pm
by mwaschak
Solar News Network
The attack on the Lancelot system is underway. A large NAC battlegroup was swift to enter the lost system in the opening hours of the war, surprising a number of ESU forces. After a token defense, the famed Admiral Chernavin lead his strategic withdrawal in the face of heavy fire from the NAC attacks. The ESU kept their screening ships in the fray, taking losses to fighters shortly before the big guns of both fleets traded long range volleys. It was not enough to keep the ESU in the system, who jumped out shortly after.
With the system in their hands, the NAC moved to invade. Their ships provided orbital support, but the number and quality of the ESU troops was enough to repulse and cripple the "Winged Zephyr" Drop Cavalry army group in the face of three army groups of crack ESU troops in entrenched positions.
The system, firmly in ESU hands, with space superiority surrendered to the NAC.
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:26 pm
by mwaschak
This month the Solar News Services reports the fighting has only escalated, with the Pan African Union announces its support of the Eurasian Solar Union. What they could only hope to achieve remains a mystery.
We can confirm the NAC continues its assault against the ESU. A massive strike against Chiang, which is ESU sector command, is under way. It appears they abandoned their siege of Lancelot to a handful of escorts to pursue the ESU defenders through unsettled space.
In Leads the Romanov Home Fleet, lead by their Oberon class flagship, was spotted on their return trip from the Core Worlds. The SNN believes whoever is fleeing the war must be intent on doing it in style. It is only a matter of time before the Romanovs enter this conflict.
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:28 am
by mwaschak
The Solar News Network has learned of an ESU push in to Tambov, a Romanov stronghold on the border, this week. Valiant Romanov fighters (after careful revisions to the FT DV conversion system) made an offensive run against the incoming ships. While they were destroyed by the ESU they managed to score a blow against a frigate before the flights were destroyed.
Rumor has it a street is to be named in their memory on Kruskec City, which is planned to be rebuilt in anticipation of the upcoming ESU bombardment.
The captain of the ESU flaghship was not available for comment.
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 2:03 am
by Emiricol
I love the fluff! The setting seems pretty well fleshed out. Is this a conversion from a show or book, or something?
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:06 am
by mwaschak
This is the source material for GZG's Full Thrust system ( One of the perks of doing their campaign system is we get to convert the setting too.
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:54 am
by Emiricol
Cool, I forgot all about Full Thrust. It's been years. Downloading again
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 8:17 pm
by mwaschak
It really is a fun system.
Back to the war! There are a lot of battles so far as the ESU, trying to snipe their old enemy in the RH, struggles against their ally the NAC who is trying to win back territory from the First Solar War. I only ran it for a limited number of rounds, mostly worried I would wreck someones fleet
Solar News Network Update!
Above Chiang, the heart of western naval operations for the Eurasian Solar Union, the besieged defenders fight a series of engagements against the incoming NAC. Relying heavily on their fighter power, the ESU uses long range strikes from their planetary fighters, first striking the screening scout vessels (in FT scouts are small, fast ships), and trying to break the carrier force. They are able to cripple an escort carrier, but missing the massive fleet carrier which was protected by its scout force and not in a position to be hit effectively.
Looking for an opening the NAC launches long range strikes in a series of small skirmishes against the ESU large base. It is not enough, but they are able to wound the BB squadron protecting the base. It is a terrible exchange, and both sides have paid the price. Will the NAC try again? Will the ESU bring up enough forces to relieve their major system? It is estimated the NAC does not have sufficient hulls left to enact a blockade.
Lots of battles, I am sure this would have been fun to play out in FT.
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:37 pm
by mwaschak
Second Solar War; Month 3
The war only escalates, but it seems to this reporter that neither side can maintain the level of intensity. The fighting at Chiang lead to an ESU victory which turned the NAC war machine around at the gates of their main production worlds. This unfortunately meant there was no relief force for the besieged world of Lancelot. SNN has learned that the neutral system of Chi Draconis has fallen to the NAC. While only a token outer system many in the ESU have prompted this as a call for a change in leadership.
On the other side of the ESU the Romanovs seem to be buckling under pressure. Rumors have reached SNN that a massive invasion fleet is inbound for the system and the Romanovs are unlikely to stop it.
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 9:36 pm
by mwaschak
Second Solar War; Month 4
The NAC bombardment in Lancelot continues to be devastating! Local forces are reported to be struggling to stay supplied. The UN may dispatch an independent advisory group to look in to the situation as early as next week. Whether the ESU and NAC will allow them to pass remains to be seen.
The ESU is rumored to have moved new forces in to the Tambov system to shore up their assault force. This morning the Solar News Network discovered a RH response force is engaging the ESU.
Re: The Second Solar War
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:51 am
by BroAdso
Did this playtest formally end? Who won?