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Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:14 am
by murtalianconfederacy

The IF defeats the GHA with no losses to themselves.

The BF, already at a state of hostilities with the NG, goes into a state of war. Eight new warships are constructed--two scout cruisers similar to the K'Hash-Lokr'Is but with a Scout (1) instead of Explorer (1) and without the enhanced command centre, and six K'Hash-Tukr'Es with a full maintenance group of fighters. The plan is to construct six more and then use this fleet to invade Ni'Fhan'Zha


Due to several exploration successes and the IF moving into K'Whefran and the ECU into K'Dhelfan, four battles are fought:

Battle of K'Whefran:

The IF fleet jumps in and discovers a GHA defence squadron and no defences. However, both sides are woefully unprepared (Disastrous readiness levels for both sides). However, despite this the gun crews on both sides are more than able to lay their sights on the enemy. The IF fleet takes apart the three shield cruisers and the GHA, were it not for the fleet support one Selgar was using, would have caused damage itself.

Battle of K'Dhelfan:

The ECU main fleet engages the fixed defences and defence squadron around K'Dhelfan. The GHA fleet is, as usual, in a poor readiness state, and the ECU plan their attack perfectly. All GHA units are destroyed fairly quickly

Battle of Vikhal-Ohr:

Jumping from K'Dhelfan, the GHA exploration corps discover Vikhal-Ohr, with the new defences and the Rapid Response Fleet. The ECU and GHA fleets meet in deep space. The GHA exploration corps, although not heavily armed with ship-board weapons, carry a total of forty-eight heavy assault bombers. The ECU fleet carves through the vessels, and the heavy AF values of the fleet combined with the thirty-six Spitfire flights, eliminate all but two of the bombers. The next turn is the clear-up operation.

Battle of GHA#18:

The IF exploration corps got itself into another fight with a GHA defence squadron, and the same result as K'Norqran occurs.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:29 am
by murtalianconfederacy

The BF constructs the next batch of light cruisers, preparatory to moving in force into Ni'Fhan'Zha.


The BF invades the system of Ni'Fhan'Zha. In the battle that ensues, the BF's fighter complement and superior numbers wins through

The GHA offers an armistice to the ECU and IF, which both sides accept. The Ashkriel Border Systems are set up--comprising six of the fifteen colonised systems the GHA controls. These six are systems that the ECU and IF alliance were able to invade, except for one system which is demanded by the ECU and IF to ensure that the GHA doesn't have the supply range to move into Izilza or Vikhal-Ohr should they declare war on the ABS and overrun the ABS systems before the ECU/IF alliance gets there with enough force to turf out the Ashkriel battlefleets.

A MDT is signed between each of the signatory nations and the ABS, further ensuring a decent amount of time for the ECU and IF to react should the GHA relapse into war.

(This is the end. After doing some ships for S:AE, I've lost interest. I will be starting a new campaign soon, though. Honest)

Stay tuned