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Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:10 am
by murtalianconfederacy

The newly formed heavy squadrons are put to the test this month when one of the newly formed squadrons is sent to Elaqri.

The heavy squadron was lucky and spotted the EFU fleet very early on, while the EFU only located the heavy squadron in time to clear for action. The ECU squadron decimated the entire battleline of the EFU and crippled one of the two missile cruisers in the fleet. The fighters fought a terrific dogfight but the superior power of the Spitfires meant that all 12 EFU flights were destroyed for the loss of only one Spitfire, and the rest of the Spitfires carried out their intended mission--to attack the second missile cruiser, crippling it.

The next turn saw the destruction of the EFU fleet (to be fair, even with the lowest roll, the ECU would have destroyed the EFU vessels and the EFU's highest roll would have been cancelled out by the ECU scout function)

The Berian Federation is now almost ready for its exploration to begin, as the Federation wanted a strong defence at their homeworld in case of incidents. The remaining N'Rashtr'O atmospheric bombers are scrapped and eight corvettes are constructed. The twelve corvettes will form the mobile element of homeworld defence while the two exploration cruisers and six light cruisers form the exploration squadron. Its hoped that they have enough firepower to defend themselves against most threats, although filtered-through reports regarding Pyurvi Impera via OLU sources indicate that if they run into a homeworld like Pyurvi Impera, their forces would not be adequate. But that is too small a risk to outweigh the benefits of growing into an interstellar power.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:30 am
by murtalianconfederacy

The EFU promptly requests an armistice--they have no ground forces, and they can't build any atmospheric designs. The ECU gives them a choice--to either voluntarily join the OLU or be annexed by the ECU. 67% of the population choose to join the OLU and, as such, Elaqri becomes the eighth system in the OLU

The Berians strike lucky in their first turn of exploring. Though the system has no external jump routes, what it has is ample economic potential. A colony system was generated, and both rolls came up as a modified 11, meaning an impressive RAW of 8 for the Berian's first system.

The Belt Alliance finally gains enough EP to purchase the second point of productivity at New Haven. It will definitely take a while to make New Haven a supply point, unless by some luck the ECU decides to bankroll them, and so far no real diplomacy has taken place, the ECU being pre-occupied with the securing of their borders and relations with the OLU, and the Belt Alliance having nothing really worth bothering the ECU's attention.


The ECU makes economic growth the order of the day by increasing productivity at Sol to 11 and Ross by two to 7. While it almost wipes the treasury, the TDP is now once more above the maintenance value of 170, and an extra 12 EP will be earned by the ECU--paying back the cost in just 20 turns

The OLU, with the additional EP stockpiled by the EFU, is able to complete the refit. Every shipyard in operation was at full capacity, and the atmospheric vessels were based at planets for their refit. The OLU now has standardised defences across the board, and an impressive fleet presence consisting of eight dreadnoughts, twenty-four heavy cruisers and a multitude of fighters.

The OLU is hoping to either develop a heavy bomber (a la Fury) or purchase the designs to the Spitfire for a heavy fighter strike wing. As it stands, the Cekran is totally inadequate for the role of strike bomber, and the OFR fighters, being all interceptors, means that the OLU fleet, despite its impressive size, will be forced to fight a one-dimensional battle.

The Berian Federation had to pretty much wipe its treasury out by purchasing a colony fleet and transport fleet, but with the economy as booming as it is, the BF can afford it. Plans to colonise the new system are in the pipelines, and hoping to install a 2-census colony and having full employment would boost the economy by over 25%, from 27EP to 35EP.

In exploration news, ECU explorers from Benelux discover another spliter colony (three large!) on a major colony world with a RAW of 6. The Republic of Neue Berlin has been discovered.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:10 am
by murtalianconfederacy

The OLU realises that the older Imazler exploration frigates were not refitted, and promptly refit them (I must have missed them out when writing the refit ships--I put down for two new Imazlers to replace the LIC exploration vessels, but not any to refit)

The OLU also constructed 12 prototype Cukron heavy bombers, and all succeeded the prototype roll, with three flights rolling 1's. The plan is to scrap the existing Cekrans for the Cukrons, which will improve the strike arm of the fleet drastically.

Lhoqran-C was upgraded to a Productivity-3 system. The Imazlers built on-site were relieved as they faced being out of supply due to the exploration of another jump route. The system is an outpost, but not much else can be ascertained

The BF loads a census onto its colony fleet and moves to the new system. The colony fleet will colonise Beri-Le (the name of the new system) next turn, and the BF hope to quickly exploit the new system.

The ECU activates an INT-2 power, the Harloc-Kian Imperium. This new power is two jumps from the system of U'Gr'Hiy, and based on the AIX stats (86/43/77) it might be best if the ECU were to re-inforce the system. (I haven't finished the generation of the H-KI yet, but one thing I know is that they've got one major colony, two colonies and a minor colony already colonised, with two outposts explored. And the H-KI is a reasonably high-tech power, only slightly below the current ECU. Its pretty likely as well that with a mediocre roll on the relationship, the H-KI will declare hostilities against the ECU. If my calcs are correct, a H-KI with roughly the same economic power system-for-system as the ECU would get around 70-80 EP a turn. Less than half of the ECU's, to be sure, but they could still be a dangerous opponent, with the right rolls for them and bad rolls for the ECU.

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:07 am
by murtalianconfederacy
Generated the H-KI. Unluckily for them, they have a zero-growth economy. Luckily for them, they've got a total income (TDP and Trade) of 99EP a turn, and they've got an impressive fleet, augmented by defences around their homeworld and six defence squadrons. I haven't generated anything else yet, primarily because I've been kicking back the last couple of days having a breather.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:30 am
by murtalianconfederacy
End of Year 2502.

Several systems experience population growth, and two systems (Sol and Neue Berlin) are now filled to capacity. While the ECU could simply colonise a new system, the RNB has no jump routes. Overpopulation may be an issue soon for the RNB.

No power attempted any tech increases in the later months--the BF has been busy trying to stock up for the inevitable push out of their system, and the OLU and ECU are pretty high-tech already, and neither wants to push through new designs so soon after refits.

The Belt Alliance repulsed a Raider attack at Haven with ease. The lone Strike Carrier and two Sloops faced one Ceres, two Vestas, two Junos and six Pallas. The BA had also, it appears, anticipated a strike and had laid an expert trap. All Raider units were lost without scoring damage.

The BF gets another handy boost when a ship appears in-system. After fruitless attempts at communication, a massive datadump is initiated by the strange ship. When Berian scientists look at the files, the tech files relating to more efficient fighter bays and the like is very well-received (Technocrat special, randomly increases one Macro TL. First roll turned out to be Weapons, but a 0 in weapons and -2 in engines, shields and equipment didn't jive. Rolled again and rolled for equipment)

Neue Berlin's population, in spite of the recent news about a possible housing crisis, is in good spirits. Of course, the news that despite the month being December on Sol, it is October on Neue Berlin might just have something to do with it...

Shelqran mining contractors discover lucrative new ore deposits. Excited, the government hears that productivity is up by a full 50%. (RAW increase by 2, up to 6)


The HKI and ECU, after very narrowly coming to blows the previous month, both declare hostilities after successfully rolling for their hostility checks. As the OLU are allied to the ECU, and the news that the HKI is three jumps from Lohqran-A, the OLU also gear up.

Before this, however, the ECU moved its fleet to U'Gr'Hiy after relations with the HKI turned even more sour. The HKI also moved their fleet to the contact system.

Not much goes on in the exploration front, but the HKI discover an outpost from the exploration squadron closest to home. Its not much to write home about, but the RAW of 3 is useful, should they find themselves in lack of suitable real estate.


The HKI and ECU's main battle fleets met in the system seperating the two powers.

The ECU's fleet, thirteen squadrons strong and with a Good Readiness modifier, annihilates the HKI's fleet of nine squadrons. The HKI had a bad readiness modifier, and the seven scout functions on the ECU side jammed the two scout functions the HKI had, went for fleet support and lowered the FB of the two scouts.

(CM Notes: I was surprised a bit by how fast the battle resolved itself--two turns, and the second turn was a turkey shoot. The ECU had double the AS of the HKI and 204 fighter flights compared to 'only' 72. I'm thinking the OLU, HKI and IF, if the HKI survives, will look very closely at employing similar units to the Ganymede and Triton.

THe HKI generate a new NPE, an INT-1 power named the Izilzan Federation. Both sides detest each other on sight. Luckily, neither side is willing to open fire on the other, and they were far enough away that no fire could be exchanged (both sides decided on '1' for length, and the d6 roll was a 2, meaning 0 turns of combat). If the battle had gone ahead, the Izilzan squadron of three Calgar gun frigates were outgunned and much weaker than the two Ekhrinher exploration cruisers.

The OLU's fleet arrives at U'Gr'Hiy. Plans are to use the OLU fleet as backup in case the ECU fleet suffers a disastrous defeat at the hands of the HKI

The BF, meanwhile, plans to place the second batch of colonists at Beri-Le. The necessary EPs have been gathered for a second point of Productivity to be purchased, and the BF want to exploit that tasty RAW of 8.


(Still being generated)

The ECU refuses the armistice offer that was guaranteed by the HKI fleet's destruction. Needing a 23, the ECU roll a 27. Marines are deployed to join up with the main fleet that has now entered orbit of Vikhal-Ohr (might have the name wrong). The fleet does have the three Mjollnirs each equipped with a mass driver, but the ECU wants to conquer, rather than level, the colony.

The HKI, however, has all but surrendered the two colonies between Harloc-Kia and the ECU main fleet. Their defence squadrons have been removed, as the HKI is now focused on building up a fleet at Harloc-Kia and defending Vokhal-Nor, their major colony, from the Izilzan Federation. Base construction has been carried out over Vokhal-Nor, and a total of three defence squadrons are in place. The HKI hopes that the IF won't be able to move quickly enough to engage these forces, but unfortunately for them the Izilzan Federation's main fleet jumps into Vokhal-Nor the same turn.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:30 am
by murtalianconfederacy
2503.03 continued

The Izilzan Federation fleet is much larger than the HKI and gets a good readiness modifier. The battle is over in a matter of minutes as the six light cruisers and two missile bases of the HKI fleet is dispatched by the large Izilzan fleet.

The OLU discovers a new NPE, the Chi-Khirnan Imperium. An IND-2 power, unfortunately the CKI immediately declares hostilities. No shots are exchanged, but the purely defensive installations at Chi-Khirna's homeworld are woefully insufficient to defend against a determined assault.

The IF exploration corps, the most powerful of the explorers (in terms of explorer rating) discovers Vikhal-Ohr, just as the ECU main fleet is entering orbit. Unluckily for the HKI, both sides enter into normal relations.


The ECU and IF accepts the offer of an armistice from the HKI. The HKI needed a 79 to offer an armistice to the IF (auto-successful for the ECU with around a 200) and succeeded in the roll. The Treaty of Vikhal-Ohr disbands the HKI as a sovereign nation, the systems upwards from Harloc-Kia in relation going to the IF, and Vikhal-Ohr, Vakhil-Olh and Harloc-Kia becoming protectorates of the ECU.

The OLU fleet, now needed elsewhere, jumps back to deal with the Chi-Khirnan problem. The fleet arrives at Omazri, one jump away from the CKI. Its not looking good for the Imperium.

The Berian Federation make an incredible discovery--a massive Berian splinter colony only one jump from Beri-Ka itself! The A'Khron'Zha Free Imperium might be a group of Berians who, in ancient myth, disappeared into the sky.

(to be continued)


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:31 pm
by mwaschak
Thank you for the updates :) .

These are a nice read for me in the morning.


Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:44 am
by murtalianconfederacy
Thats good. At least someone is reading it...:)

I'm hoping to get past the 69 turns of the Four Stars campaign I did. At the moment, I've got 42 turns done (three game years and six months)

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:09 am
by murtalianconfederacy
2503.04 continued

The AFI and BF hit it off, both having a very high relationship.

The ECU and IF sign a non-aggression pact.


The OLU main fleet jumps into the system of Chi-Khirna, where they find a new ring of DEFSATs constructed. Unfortunately, with the might of the OLU navy bearing down on the defences, the CKI's fate is sealed.

Both sides gain good information on the other side in the final approach, but the OLU have the intelligence advantage. Unfortunately, for the CKI only if the OLU had been at a disastrous readiness level would the CKI have survived the initial onslaught. The CKI's finest do, however, cripple two of the Vhatahv II-B assault cruisers assigned to the fleet as standard, and in the dogfights that ensues thirty-two Vhinav light interceptors are downed. However, every single CKI unit is destroyed.

Diplomatic efforts abound this turn. Several NAPs and PTs are signed between the various powers. The ECU's new border with the IF is further strengthened with a peace treaty being signed by the two powers. Seeing as the former HKI worlds are so far from Wolf (three to four months) and the IF homeworld is one jump from one of the new ECU systems, the continued good relations between the two can only be good.

The ECU and OLU sign a partnership, and the OLU is fascinated by the Spitfire designs. The ECU isn't particularly interested in any of the OLU designs, but it is another good step.

(CM Note: Thing is, the ECU and OLU are so big individually that if the extremely good relations between the two force another treaty offer (both relationship values are above 100--124 for the ECU-OLU, and 117 for the OLU-ECU) then a unification is now the only treaty offer to make except for a research treaty. And a unified ECU/OLU would mean game over. We'd be talking around 300-350 or so EP from planet income alone, and with the ECU mode of governance between 60-70 EP from trade. A power with that sort of income would be almost unstoppable unless a Unified NPE consisting of perhaps three to four INT-1/2s or an INT-5/6 came along)

The IF discovers a splinter colony. The New Izilzan Federated Territories is a fairly strong colony (multiple splinter colony generation again) and both sides seem fairly happy with each other.

The new defence squadrons and ground forces are raised in the former HKI territories. The existing HKI warships are scrapped. Now the ECU has a massive treasury (700EP sound good?) and at a peacetime economy is generating an extra 82EP, it seems like the ECU might be considering a consolidation effort

(CM Notes: I know, grass is greener and all that, but I'm having to figure out how to raise the ECU and OLU's maintenance up significantly. Both sides are raking in large cash amounts each turn and both have an existing treasury of 700+EP. I'm thinking of either putting in place seriously potent defensive installations around the existing borders and over key worlds in the Core territories or massively expanding the mobile fleet. Did a quick working of a second Home Fleet for the ECU and the maintenance would go up to 306 EP, meaning the ECU would go into the red--hard.

The best notion I've come up with is to develop the new techs the ECU has and create roving fleets, heavy squadrons that can withstand a determined assault from enemy forces long enough to get Home Fleet there. And then build a lot of system defences)

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:04 am
by murtalianconfederacy

The ECU finally decides to research new weapon types, for use on the Luna-class command carrier and the Warrior-class independent war cruiser. These two warship classes are to form the rapid response forces that will be emplaced at points around the ECU so that all systems are within a one-month travel time. These fleets are not going to be on the same level as even a heavy war squadron, but they will carry thirty-six Spitfire flights in each fleet and have a single scout function.

The IF authorises construction of a third shipyard in orbit of the homeworld. This is to allow the massive upgrading of the main fleet as well as bolster defence squadrons. Ten new Salgars, three Colgars and two Selgars will improve the strength of the main fleet, while twelve Halgars will be the main defensive strength of the IF, a pair escorted by three Calgars.

The OLU accepts the surrender of the CKI (armistice chance: 65%, rolled 1 for the attempt--and the OLU's relatively high relationship value made it an easy roll for the acceptance). The CKI is now a OLU protectorate, and increases the number of OLU systems to 9.

(CM Note: I had intended to play the CKI as a sort of subject nation, but the whole idea didn't work. I may, at some point in the future, re-activate the CKI--maybe the Omazans and Lohqran hold a vote on the issue--but the CKI is no more)

The BF activates a second splinter colony. The Ni'Fhan'Zha Guilds are smaller than the AFI. The BF scouts were not that happy with initial relations, but the NG were really happy to find out the homeworld is around.

More diplomatic efforts occur this turn, and the IF comes to the ECU with a treaty offer--a mutual defence treaty is offered and accepted. It looks very good for the ECU at the moment.

(CM Note: I keep forgetting the treaty delays. Strictly speaking, the ECU's acceptance chance of 40 or so would have been wiped out by the treaty delay, but though I've got a column marked treaty delay, I keep forgetting it. I'm half tempted to say it doesn't exist, because otherwise I'm in deep trouble...:) )

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:52 pm
by Charles Lewis
murtalianconfederacy wrote:(CM Note: I keep forgetting the treaty delays. Strictly speaking, the ECU's acceptance chance of 40 or so would have been wiped out by the treaty delay, but though I've got a column marked treaty delay, I keep forgetting it. I'm half tempted to say it doesn't exist, because otherwise I'm in deep trouble...:) )
It's a solo one but you will complain if you apply a little handwavium.

And don't fret, I've often overlooked treaty delay in the past, myself. :roll:

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:06 am
by murtalianconfederacy
I suppose...

Campaign is going a bit slower at the moment, both due to having a day break yesterday and trying to generate a new NPE which the Izilzans discovered.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:23 am
by murtalianconfederacy
No updates today, but with the bank holiday Monday over here, when I get back on Tuesday expect a massive update.

One thing I can say is that the ECU now has a contender for biggest power economically...:)

EDIT: Okay, Wednesday. I've generated two turns since I last was here, but I can't remember the exact details.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:30 am
by murtalianconfederacy
Heres the outline:

The IF generated the Grand Hegemony of the Ashkriel, an INT-5 power that amazingly hadn't encountered any other power. The initial first contact goes badly, and the local GHA defence force engages the IF exploration corps. Unfortunately for the GHA, they aren't entirely prepared for such an encounter while the IF were slightly better prepared, and the IF squadron took out the GHA force for minimal damage to one of the exploration cruisers. After debating the merits of attacking the orbital bases, the squadron commander takes his fleet back to Izilza.

(CM Notes: Lucky rolls for the IF in the battle, but the luck may have ran out over the colony. There are two heavy bases--around the scale of a Gibralter--but that wasn't the biggest concern for the IF captains. The massive fighter complement was--24 heavy assault bomber flights. The IF had no fighters and an AS of 72 from the fighters, especially at a readiness level of Normal or higher, would have ripped the IF squadron to shreds. So good and bad news--the IF have information on the GHA, but they don't know how effective the fighters are going to be. Lucky the new warships were constructed just this turn)

The ECU, now in an MDT with the IF, checks for hostilities checks with the GHA, and the check is passed. Preparatory to the decision, however, the ECU moved its primary fleet--still at Vikhal-Ohr--to Izilza to act as a defence fleet should the IF require it. Several concerns are voiced in Parliament, but the main fact of the matter is that should the IF fall and the GHA doesn't take to the ECU, not only does the GHA now have more income than the ECU, but also are just one jump away from Vikhal-Ohr and Harloc-Kia and, with the new exploration from Vikhal-Ohr, one jump from Wolf as well.

Meanwhile, the GHA activates all of its reserve units and brings out the heavy warships from mothballs--the maintenance jumps to 357, modified by the GHA's military autocracy to 320. Not only that, but there is twelve SDs, 24 BCs, 24 CLs and 24 CVLs in this fleet. Not liking the odds of this matchup.

(CM Notes: The large fleet of the ECU and IF are causing problems here, as they have both built up close to the actual TF flagships CR rating in squadrons, so they can't really combine fleets. Their best hope is to split forces and hope that the GHA does similar, or faces the ECU fleet)

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:06 am
by murtalianconfederacy
Pretty much got it all, apart from ship construction.

The ECU in 2503.07 prototyped the Janus-class station (hull 8 design), the Luna command carrier and the Warrior war cruiser. Two Janus' roll '1's, three Warriors roll '1's and the Luna does as well. In 2503.08, the ECU upgrades the defences at Wolf as well as constructing the bases in four other systems, including Vikhal-Ohr.

The OLU constructs the defensive squadron for Chi-Khirna, and has also prototyped the first station the current OLU has used--the base is pretty large and the OLU envisions a series of defences like the ECU, hopefully co-ordinating defence strategy with the ECU.

The GHA constructs three new shield cruisers (the name used to describe defensive units not deplyed with the main fleet) and plays a game of shuffle the cards, with the new warships taking station in Ashkriel.


As it is, the GHA are going to lose over their contact system with the IF, especially as with the special rules regarding defensive encounters the IF will have at least a Normal readiness modifier. Eleven squadrons versus two...the odds are not good. But the IF may well lose several units if the GHA's fighters are well-used, especially if their readiness modifier is Normal. And with that system gone, the IF/ECU will have two routes to go down, one that I'm calling the Northern route and the other that I'm calling the Central route, as it is pretty much along the line that the GHA was generated.