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Got it! (And any upcoming games for newbies?)

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:52 pm
by gambler
So VBAM showed up at my door on Saturday. I've begun looking through the base rulebook (I also got the CM guide, The Menagerie, and the Boltians and Kuirassian sourcebook).

Looks like a lot of fun, and I'm already creating a universe in my head and on paper (combined with Starmada's combat system). As is usual, my 'initial' project is ambitious. Four created races to start with, with basic biology, government, history, ship types. I plan to run all four from the start with any NPEs that show up being incorporated.

While that's my initial project, it won't be my initial solitaire game, which will probably be a basic Exploration campaign to get a solid idea of how the game works.

I'd also be interested in joining a new campaign geared to new players if any of those are about to occur (as I think was mentioned in another thread). Is there a specific place to find information about upcoming games?

Upcoming Games

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:38 pm
by mwaschak

There is the Dilgar Invasions, but that is a few months off yet. There is also the new game being discussed based on Like Cherry Blossoms on Water that is being discussed on the list. You did hit on a good point that we probably need a section to help find and organize games :idea: .


Re: Got it! (And any upcoming games for newbies?)

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:00 am
by Leo_Vs_Aidan
gambler wrote:I'd also be interested in joining a new campaign geared to new players if any of those are about to occur (as I think was mentioned in another thread). Is there a specific place to find information about upcoming games?
I am starting Like Cherry Blossoms on Water a campaign, while it is not aimed at new players over half my players are newbies.

Re: Upcoming Games

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:59 am
by murtalianconfederacy
mwaschak wrote:Hello!

There is the Dilgar Invasions, but that is a few months off yet. There is also the new game being discussed based on Like Cherry Blossoms on Water that is being discussed on the list. You did hit on a good point that we probably need a section to help find and organize games :idea: .

Wait a minute...Dilgar Invasions? :o

Re: Upcoming Games

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:33 pm
by mwaschak
murtalianconfederacy wrote: Wait a minute...Dilgar Invasions? :o
Oh yes, but I am not quite ready. I still need to get the source right. It will probably be on scale with the current WC game, so about 14 players or so.


Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:45 pm
by gambler
Leo_vs_Aidan: Any idea about how many turns a week you're planning? I'm tempted, but I'm thinking I might be better off starting with a simpler campaign (even a solitaire one) before diving into a more intense campaign.


Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:10 pm
by Leo_Vs_Aidan
gambler wrote:Leo_vs_Aidan: Any idea about how many turns a week you're planning? I'm tempted, but I'm thinking I might be better off starting with a simpler campaign (even a solitaire one) before diving into a more intense campaign.

To start with I was thinking 1 turn every 10-14 day until people had the hang of it then 1 turn a week.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:12 pm
by MarkG88
gambler wrote:Leo_vs_Aidan: Any idea about how many turns a week you're planning? I'm tempted, but I'm thinking I might be better off starting with a simpler campaign (even a solitaire one) before diving into a more intense campaign.



Yield to temptation, best way to learn is jump in with both feet. :wink:

Honestly once you get your initial startup stuff done (which does take some serious planning and so forth in this particular setting) the actual turns aren't too involved (in my opinion/experience). And with over 50% newbies, I'm sure Leo_vs_Aidan will keep things on a "user friendly" schedule.

Regardless, welcome to the VBAM circle and I hope you enjoy the system as much as I and every else here does.


Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:08 pm
by ronin
Leo_Vs_Aidan wrote:
gambler wrote:Leo_vs_Aidan: Any idea about how many turns a week you're planning? I'm tempted, but I'm thinking I might be better off starting with a simpler campaign (even a solitaire one) before diving into a more intense campaign.

To start with I was thinking 1 turn every 10-14 day until people had the hang of it then 1 turn a week.

join in it be fun :) plus i a beginer too as the house of matsu 8)

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:51 pm
by gambler
We'll see... It is tempting. I'm probably going to try to start up a game this weekend solitaire to get a handle on how it works and then see if I think I can join in this one.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:56 pm
by gambler
I didn't get a chance to mess with the system this weekend or week, although I've continued to read the rulebooks. I'll have to take a pass on the "Like Cherry Blossoms on Water" campaign due to the small amount of free time I'll have the next few weeks to spend on it. But I'll follow the campaign with interest!