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Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:21 pm
by OldnGrey
Another Sorry.
Missing $ threw up shield figures error on the text sheet.
Fixed now.
v2E13 posted.

:oops: :oops: :oops:

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:05 am
by OldnGrey
Just to say that the latest shipyard v2E18 has been posted on yahoo groups and mj12.

Small craft sheet and dual mode fighter conversion re-write.


Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 1:07 pm
by OldnGrey
Just to let you know (is there still anyone out there? :) ) that version v2E22 has been posted.

18 level tech implemented for 2E.
I have been having issues with the Wingdings font used on the Starmada sheet being replaced with arial. I am lost for an answer but spent a while putting it back in.
If you see "o" or "q" instead of check boxes "it dun it again".

Please see notes for any other changes.


Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:12 am
by Tyrel Lohr
OldnGrey wrote:Just to let you know (is there still anyone out there? :) ) that version v2E22 has been posted.
I'm still here! :)

Or, more correctly, I am finally *back*.


Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:45 pm
by OldnGrey
Tyrel Lohr wrote:
OldnGrey wrote:Just to let you know (is there still anyone out there? :) ) that version v2E22 has been posted.
I'm still here! :)

Or, more correctly, I am finally *back*.

Hi tyrell,
I did notice that you have been busy on the forum the last few days. :) I was beginning to think everyone had gone.

The last posted version of the shipyard fixes the weapon ranges output for excel users, Calcs were working, just the Min/Max (carronade) output for the data sheets.

If anyone cares to take a look, I have revised the Anteatman booklet and included the bits needed to put the ships into Vassel. It is in the Starmada files section on the mj12 site.


Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:36 pm
by OldnGrey
v2E27 and updated guide just posted in mj12 and VBAM Yahoo files.
I had been having a few problems keeping the Wingdings font on the Starmada sheet, so I have removed it (was checkboxes only) and replaced it with a special character.
A few bits added on the Starmada sheet.
Brought right up to date to include options for Aracnonoi.

Aracnonoi booklet added to the files section of the mj12 forum, includes stats to use the ships in 1st Edition VBAM. (just in case anyone would care for a look) :)
Also everything needed to use the ships in Vassel.


Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:07 am
by OldnGrey
Slightly updated versions of the shipyard guide and the Aracnonoi booklet posted.

If anyone is looking for a few counters to print off and use, each of the booklets have around ten (Octopodians being revised with new counters soon).


Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:23 pm
by OldnGrey
Updated shipyard v2E29 posted earlier this month, starmada sheet tweaked and a possible problem with countermeasures fixed.

The octopodian empire has become The watchee, new graphics and counters. more in line with the other two booklets.

Update: "Watchee" seems to have become popular since I did the first draft of the original booklet, so I have given this species a new name -Watikree.

Re: The Shipyard for Starmada AE / VBAM

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:42 pm
by OldnGrey
Shipyard v2E30 posted, section of Starmada sheet for printing to keep a record of Plasma torps.
Shipyard guide updated ships carrying ships and flotillas.

Just in case anyone is interested :)


Re: The Shipyard for Starmada AE / VBAM

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:02 pm
by OldnGrey
Shipyard v2E32 posted.
Updated to Alien Armada and now allows faceted shielding for flotillas.

Just in case anyone is still looking in :)


Re: The Shipyard for Starmada AE / VBAM

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:20 pm
by OldnGrey
Version 2E34 has been posted on yahoo groups and mj12.
On mj12 there is v59, this is the same with the 2E taken out and the calcs hidden (less to look at = less to worry about) :)

The equipment tech level is at 0 unless changed on the tables sheet. Change this to "Individual TL" and any equipment on the Drake notation / Starmada sheet shows it's TL.
No more guessing if Teleporters etc. have an improved TL over the other equipment.


Re: The Shipyard for Starmada AE / VBAM

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:18 pm
by OldnGrey
There is a new version of the Shipyard VFv37 20110429 over on mj12.

It now has a conversion for Starmada AE to Starmada: Fleet Ops, which increases the number of ships that can be handled easily.
It should be noted that in Fleet Ops, the stats for a Hull size 1 ship represents three Starmada (or VBAM 1st Ed) ships and the stats for a Hull size 2 ship represents Two Starmada (or VBAM 1st Ed) ships.

The VBAM stats still represent a single ship.
Until there are official conversion rules for Starmada AE to VBAM 2nd Edition I have cut that part from the Template sheet.


Re: The Shipyard for Starmada AE / VBAM

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 2:32 pm
by OldnGrey
I know anyone using the shipyard will probably be keeping up to date over on the mj12 forum but I thought I would just let everyone know.
I have not updated the Yahoo files, The Shipyard can be downloaded without logging in over on the mj12 site.

The latest version is VFv46 20110528.

Starmada AE to Starmada Fleet Ops conversion is included.


Re: The Shipyard for Starmada AE / VBAM

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:07 am
by OldnGrey
VFv51 is the latest version of the shipyard.

Anyone using Klingon/Romulan/Alien Armada with 1st Edition VBAM can now give Starmada Fleet Ops a go for resolving battles. :wink:


Re: The Shipyard for Starmada AE / VBAM

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:52 pm
by mwaschak
Thank you Paul!
