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Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:18 pm
by OldnGrey
To have more than one ship on one spreadsheet.
1)Insert new sheet after Template and rename it Template1. Copy contents of Template to Template1.
2)Insert new sheet after Starmada and rename it starmada1. Copy contents of Starmada to Starmada1. Using Find & Replace, highlight the VBAM Small Craft (SC1 to SC8) section and using current selection only, replace $Starmada1. with $'Small Craft'.
Then still with Find & replace, Replace Template with Tempate1 to link the two new sheets.

I find it easier to save the data card for each ship as a bitmap and converting it to a png which creates a very small picture file for storing.

With regards to origin, the Nation, Tables and Template sheets were written by KDLadage in 2005 for Starmada X.
I got it to work with Open Office and he gave the ok for me to post updates. I made it possible to have separate tech levels for each weapon and equipment type. Added a Starmada sheet, drake notation and Small Craft design sheet and requested equipment from the forum. I started posting updates in February 2006.
Starmada AE changed how some things were done and changes with regards equipment, hence a rewrite.
I had included VBAM stats in the Starmada X version, which were updated and carried over to the AE version.
I have updated it ever since with each new Starmada add on release (so far!)


Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:54 pm
by Chyll
OldnGrey wrote:To have more than one ship on one spreadsheet.
1)Insert new sheet after Template and rename it Template1. Copy contents of Template to Template1.
2)Insert new sheet after Starmada and rename it starmada1. Copy contents of Starmada to Starmada1.
Yeah, I figured that was it. I was working on a version that avoided some of that for my usage when KD released the initial version and ditched it when his got popular.
OldnGrey wrote: I made it possible to have separate tech levels for each weapon and equipment type.
Which I very much like.
OldnGrey wrote: Added a Starmada sheet, drake notation and Small Craft design sheet and requested equipment from the forum. I started posting updates in February 2006.
also cool.

I followed (read about) each of your changes, never went back to it until, as I said, recently. Well done.

Ascetically not exactly what I would have done, but now I don't have to :lol:

Edit: If this sounded as snarky as it did to me when I reread it, I apologize.

Re: The Shipyard for Starmada AE / VBAM

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:04 pm
by OldnGrey
OldnGrey wrote:
Going by VBAM:The Starmada Edition it is not possible to make a cost1 ship. In the latest version of the shipyard (v29), I have made this possible for Attack Boats and Gunboats etc. When designing the ship keep the SU under 70 for cost 1.
OK much testing later, this falls down if sensors are required by the setting. As things stand, even passive sensors are going to cost 25% of a hull 1 ship. What I propose to do is dump the 70SU limit and replace that requirement by choosing "Attack Boat" to give a cost of 1.

Starmada AE assumes that all ships have basic Active and Passive sensors which do not have to be paid for.

So the question is, Do I make Passive and Active sensors (1) free and keep the options so that they can be recorded for damage purposes?
Also reduce the cost for Active sensors (2) & (3) by one level?


Re: The Shipyard for Starmada AE / VBAM

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:21 pm
by Chyll
OldnGrey wrote:
OldnGrey wrote:
Going by VBAM:The Starmada Edition it is not possible to make a cost1 ship. In the latest version of the shipyard (v29), I have made this possible for Attack Boats and Gunboats etc. When designing the ship keep the SU under 70 for cost 1.
OK much testing later, this falls down if sensors are required by the setting. As things stand, even passive sensors are going to cost 25% of a hull 1 ship. What I propose to do is dump the 70SU limit and replace that requirement by choosing "Attack Boat" to give a cost of 1.

Starmada AE assumes that all ships have basic Active and Passive sensors which do not have to be paid for.

So the question is, Do I make Passive and Active sensors (1) free and keep the options so that they can be recorded for damage purposes?
Also reduce the cost for Active sensors (2) & (3) by one level?

If I understand what you are saying (been a long day)...

If you make a size 1 ship, and select 'Attack Boat' as an ability, then it will calculate sensors as SU 1 rather than the normal cost in order to allow for a valid Starmada design. I assume this condition is with no tech modifiers?

That sounds reasonable to me.

Re: The Shipyard for Starmada AE / VBAM

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:13 pm
by OldnGrey
Chyll wrote: If I understand what you are saying (been a long day)...

If you make a size 1 ship, and select 'Attack Boat' as an ability, then it will calculate sensors as SU 1 rather than the normal cost in order to allow for a valid Starmada design. I assume this condition is with no tech modifiers?

That sounds reasonable to me.
Testing was using BK setting ships and only the tech levels given for them in VBAM:The Starmada Edition.

I could do it that way so that the sensors cost is adjusted. However, under Starmada AE, if sensors are used, the basic Passive and Active Sensors (Level 1) have no cost and are assumed to be on all ships.
In the BK setting sensors need to be recorded as their loss means that the ship cannot target other ships.
I wonder if I could make it that the first active level 1 sensor is free and any additional backups are costed (I have noted that some of the ships have more than one active sensor).
The whole point of having Attack Boat as a choice is that they have a VBAM ship cost of 1, something that is not possible otherwise.


Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:53 am
by OldnGrey
v35 posted.
70SU restriction on attack Boats lifted.
Breachers and Boarding Pods count towards Carrier (Assault).
One Passive Sensor and Active Sensor 1 can be added free of cost.



Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:17 pm
by mwaschak
Hi all,

I am back from my traveling so will be responding to threads and getting caught up on email.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:49 am
by OldnGrey
v36 posted.
Lsutehall over on mj12 forum noticed that the Small Craft sheet was not calculating properly.
Open Office thing with the defence number. Some cells came to be formatted as text so OO3.0.1 chose to ignore the cell calc.
I have tested v36 and appears to work.
Of course if you know differently.... Please let me know.


Shipyard v37

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:18 am
by OldnGrey
Constructing Maghur attack boats with the shipyard threw up the problem that it was just not possible to arrive at a DV of 4 on such small ships.

Jay allows one ablative armor save for the extra point of DV.

Therefore from v37 I have added "Advanced Armor Point" in the equipment, which if chosen will add an extra DV point to the VBAM stats.
This gives One ablative armor for a cost of 10% and a DCR Mod of 1.3.
KEB armor cost was out by about 0.3, not a problem for big ships but every lttle helps when making small ships. This has been fixed.
Please always check the notes sheet.

Any problems? Please say so.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:41 pm
by OldnGrey
Additional Command Rating points can now be bought for those (like the Verbanal) which have a higher than normal CR.

v38 of the shipyard along with an updated guide have been posted on the yahoo groups site and mj12.

Any questions or problems, let me know.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:35 pm
by Charles Lewis
Thanks for your continued work on this!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:28 pm
by mwaschak
Charles Lewis wrote:Thanks for your continued work on this!
Here! Here!

Thank you :D .


Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:56 pm
by OldnGrey
Happy to be of some help.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:53 am
by OldnGrey
Charles Lewis wrote:Thanks for your continued work on this!
Are you quite sure? I opened v38 today and there were a couple of cells "missing", act of god, My having a temperature? Who knows?

Anyhow I have posted v39, sorry!
I have added choice of Base and DEFSAT to Template cell H6 just to keep the VBAM stats tidy ( they do not become Carrier (Fighters)) and CR & CC become N/A.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:17 pm
by Charles Lewis
OldnGrey wrote:
Charles Lewis wrote:Thanks for your continued work on this!
Are you quite sure? I opened v38 today and there were a couple of cells "missing", act of god, My having a temperature? Who knows?

Anyhow I have posted v39, sorry!
I have added choice of Base and DEFSAT to Template cell H6 just to keep the VBAM stats tidy ( they do not become Carrier (Fighters)) and CR & CC become N/A.
Oh, I'm quite sure. I'd rather have somebody else do the bughunting than do it myself! :)