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Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:45 pm
by mriddle
here is the proposed version #2
STYPE, <ID>, <DV>, <AS>, <VALUE>,

Mods are in the syntx
ie AF = -2 means -2 to that ship or wing's AF (per flight)
AF =2 means the AF is OVERRIDDEN to 2.

while a single ship stat can be modified multiple times, order is important if using the OVERRIDE
ie AF =+2, AF=+1, AF =2
is going to set the AF to 2
ie AF =+2, AF=+1
is going to add 3 to the type's AF

Damage now defaults to 0 and can be modified


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:16 pm
by andstrauss
Looks good. Out of Supply Level seems very important too, or can I simulate it using damage?
Formation bonus seems useless, as you can't direct damage. Unless you use the aggression modifier as a way to make more direct shots to the most costly units.

As for value, Gareth asked, I think it's the EP cost of building the unit. Right?


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:35 pm
by mriddle
andstrauss wrote:Looks good. Out of Supply Level seems very important too, or can I simulate it using damage?
Formation bonus seems useless, as you can't direct damage. Unless you use the aggression modifier as a way to make more direct shots to the most costly units.

As for value, Gareth asked, I think it's the EP cost of building the unit. Right?

I am not using formation bonuses, because only flights use directed damage

OOS can be handled by overriding/modifing AS and DV as needed

Cost is a reasonable value for value (no pun intended..), it is what I will use.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:31 pm
by mriddle
has been updated with the "ship class" change..


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:38 am
by Gareth_Perkins

What is the range of values for 'value' (0-10?),

If a player has specified that he wants to target carriers how much should I add to the carriers value to reflect this?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:49 pm
by mriddle
Gareth_Perkins wrote:Cool,

What is the range of values for 'value' (0-10?),

If a player has specified that he wants to target carriers how much should I add to the carriers value to reflect this?
Value range is unlimited, it is used relative to other ship's values..

Short answer is you can not target high value targets due to a feature I failed to implement. To implement this well, I would need a "value" for defender and attacker, and apply formation bonuses.. (I intend to get there but need a time..)

when defender assigns damage the ships in the squadron are sorted in ascending order. and damage is assigned to lowest valued ship first.

when attacker assigns damage the ships in the squadron are sorted in descending order and damage is assigned the highest valued ship first. (NOTE just discovered while reading the code, I did not implement this)

Note that cripples are values are raised by 50%, making the defender tend to cripple ship than destroy and attacker tend to destroy cripples than damage undamaged ships.

Currently ship firing on ship AS do not use directed damage.

So only flights get to pick on "high value targets"..(NOTE just discovered while reading the code, I did not implement this.. So currently high value targets can not be targetted by the firer..)

value is also used to assign the "location" of defending fighter wings.
the value of each squadron is used to generate a random weighted distribution. (ie given 3 squadrons with values of (20,20,40), a defending wing has a 25% percent change to be assigned to squadron 1 or 2 and a 50 % chance to be assigned to squadron 3)


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:35 pm
by mriddle has been updated..

It is still a one shot deal but we have added some targeting option, and some control over flight assignment.

comments welcome..

I am working on the one round at a time solution..


Re: Very Simple Combat

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:49 pm
by virtutis.umbra
I really like this Resolver tool; but has anybody found a way to account for scouting factors in a satisfying way? I don't see a way to consistently account for any of the possible scouting missions:

Increase/Lower Formation Bonus (Formation Bonus is ignored)
Halving an enemy's combat factors (this is the closest to workable, one could just modify the affected ship's stats; but if the scout ship got destroyed that effect would end.)
Fleet Support (no way to apply a blanket modifier to an entire round's AS damage outcome)

Is there some tweak I should make to units' Value or other stats that would closely approximate Formation Bonus or Fleet Support? How do you handle this?

Re: Very Simple Combat

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:52 pm
by mriddle
Yeah I just ignored scouts.
that was one of those "too many in combat choices" deals..
