Another Escalation Wars book? Boltian-Kuissians, something else (licensed?)
Ooops - guess I asked this question a few threads down already, just poking the bear some more! Poke poke space bear!
What's the first setting book due out for 2e?
Re: What's the first setting book due out for 2e?
I've been poking the space-bear for a bit now, I think the last time Tyrel or anyone on the team was active on the forums was like, six months ago. I'm a bit worried. I know it's a passion project as much as a real business venture, but I hope things are just going through a natural slow down rather than a real abandonment.
I'd love to see a Terran Civil War or a Boltians-Kussians, though!
I'd love to see a Terran Civil War or a Boltians-Kussians, though!
Re: What's the first setting book due out for 2e?
Maybe Charles has plans to have his Steel Castles project done up as a real book? Last I heard Jay was working on the FT-campaign book so I would assume that was still ongoing but- not involved with it personally