Search found 5 matches

by Frank
Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:32 pm
Forum: Mercenary Air Squadron
Topic: Following waves
Replies: 10
Views: 6911

[quote="Charles Lewis"]No. Once an area has been checked and determined to be clear, you never have to recheck.[/quote] Hmm ..... Page 14 of the rules 4.3 Mission Threat Level: "Roll a d6 each time any Wing counter enters a band. If one Wing remains behind, it must also check again wh...
by Frank
Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:22 pm
Forum: Mercenary Air Squadron
Topic: Many rules questions
Replies: 6
Views: 5289

Many rules questions

Let's start: 3.2.2 "Modifiers to the players roll" are also for the NPO rivals roll ? 4.1 "Equipment that is fired, dropped or expended is removed from play." What about miscellaneous equipment like ALE-45/Fuel tanks/leaflet pod/etc. - are they removed from play after use like a ...
by Frank
Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:38 pm
Forum: Mercenary Air Squadron
Topic: Differences Table - counter/panel
Replies: 2
Views: 3502

Differences Table - counter/panel

What is correct ? A6 Intruder Climb +1 or -1 F4 Phantom Maneuver -1 or -2 HAL Tejas Hardpoints 8 or 10 SU25 Frogfoot Fuel 8 or 12 F/A18 Hornet Hardpoints 9 or 10 MIG31 Foxhound ECM 2 or 3 Tornado Afterburner +3 or +5 YAK38 Foger Damage Mod -1 or +1 Eurofighter Fuel 10 or 8 JAS Gripen Afterburner +3 ...
by Frank
Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:16 pm
Forum: Mercenary Air Squadron
Topic: Victory Track #1
Replies: 13
Views: 9111

Thank you very much for the quick answer.

What's the release date of the printed version of MAS ?

by Frank
Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:38 pm
Forum: Mercenary Air Squadron
Topic: Victory Track #1
Replies: 13
Views: 9111

Hello, I read "The Victory Track" and I'm very interested. Some questions: 1. On page 11 Flounder fires a "Matra Magic" with a"base target goal 6" - the picture on page 5 shows the Harrier with a "Matra Magic Air: 4" ? 2. What's the difference (in game terms) ...